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Guide: What photographers should consider when choosing printer paper

If you print your own pictures at home, you need to pay attention to a number of things. In addition to the right color profiles for the pictures, you need to pay attention to the drying times required by the respective papers and the effect you want to achieve with the paper on which the pictures are printed.

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Guide to cameras for children and young people

We are always being asked which camera to give your children or grandchildren. We would like to help you with this and recommend the best cameras for every age group.

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Manual focusing made easy - live workshop with Christian Laxander

Manual lenses offer you a lot of freedom in terms of design. In this live workshop, Christian Laxander will show you how easy it is to focus manually and what great looks you can create with manual lenses.

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Guide for bird photography

Great shots of birds are no longer a secret thanks to our guide! Take advantage of autumn and our tips to capture fantastic shots of birds this weekend.

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